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10 Decor Tips That Will Make Your Home Look Amazing

10 Decor Tips That Will Make Your Home Look Amazing

As I give you a number of my favorite interior decorating ideas, my brain begins to swim with decor ideas. All of a sudden, thinking of them often isn't an option if I want to sleep! You don't need to be a designer to create a beautiful home that reflects your priorities and lifestyle. All you need to do is obtain tips from other like minds and go from there! 

I hope you find these tips useful and use them at home!

The High/Low Mix Is Magical

This is the decorating plan I like the most and quite possibly use the most in my home. Mixing expensive things with mass resale is my favorite method to enrich my insides. Like my curlycue chest with a large bargain bargain chippy lantern. LOVE the look. Or mixing an expensive mirror in my dining room with old chippy shutters and white chamber pot lids!

Also mixing a dash of refined with the rustic of a space mutes the formality of what the room looks like and makes it more inviting. If that is left to my natural taste for interior design, I would certainly opt to decorate quite formally. But formal can appear plain! And I want to make my home look beautiful, hospitable and comfortable. So I've discovered tones from the high and low mixes work well!

Give It Some Texture

Every room in your home should possess texture. Texture is the capability of your eyes (through your mind) to feel the different surfaces in a room. Rough, smooth, scratchy, soft, lofty, shiny, hard, nubby, and a so many more. Don't forget texture or a room will feel flat.

Add Pattern

Individual style brings life, interest and pattern to a room, and I love mixing pattern throughout most of my most neutral rooms. If you'd like to mix patterns but feel concerned about going brazen, start with the addition of pillows and throws. 

A good rule is to add a 60 30 rule. Sixty percent your favorite pattern, thirty percent a complimentary and different scale pattern and ten percent an accent pattern. Keep them all within the same color family for a no-fail mixed pattern look.

The Focal Point

Each room should have a main feature. Various facets of a room can be considered a focal point. It stands out from the rest of the room and often hints at a room's main features. These are some areas you should consider.

  • An important painting.
  • a welcoming fireplace and mantel.
  • a comfortable bed.
  • a large architectural piece.
  • a table with a center piece worthy of admiration.
  • all these describe an extraordinary painting..

Less Is Often More

As I am decorating a room, I continually feel that I'm continuously making modifications. I enjoy doing it, so I may keep on getting very artistic with it! As the new customs are added to the house, I'm feeling the urge to reassess the furnishings that we have.

I favor less and greater rather than smaller and lesser. I could choose a big wall clock above a collection of images, or one big scene over a collection of personal items.

Mirror Your Personality

Decorating is all about translating your personality and style into your living space. So fill the area with your favorite things and things that make it simple to live. It is among the most unpleasant experiences to have a house that isn't your own but you do not know who belongs to it. If your living quarters doesn't have personality, it's likely to be yours.

It's important for my home to represent who I am and the way we live. It's also significant that StoneGable is cozy and warm to us! I love classic furniture but I also enjoy a touch of whimsy!

Comfort Is Important

It is essential to keep things clean and well-organized, but it must nonetheless be comfortable, too. Try to place comfort first and foremost in your home! If you knock on my door on any given day, you will discover me in agreeable attire and an apron. And that's excellent for our flawed home. We live here quite comfortably and love to take our time in this home to relax or read or play a family game.

Even when the food and table are on the formal side, we want our guests to be comfortable and very relaxed! Style and comfort can go hand in hand!

Layer, Layer, Layer

Sometimes layering decor is not the most natural decorating activity we do, but it is the most important skill you can ever be taught. And, you could do this! Seriously, spend some time looking at interiors that excite you. After that, practice on a room in your home.

Mix Design Styles

Please refrain from mixing design styles when decorating a room. This will make it more special and have a personality. And, of course, we all enjoy having unique designs in our homes. Yes, I agree.

My style is Traditional or Classic American style depending on the twist, combined with a little refined farmhouse, industrial, and a smidgen of cottage. Any one of the styles alone would be sooooo boring! And not me! I like an eclectic look. Or just sort of eclectic!

Mix a little cottage with a bit of 18th century and cottage with a modern, industrial, and Scandinavian style. Mix so many styles following the 80-20 rule. Eighty percent of the style you like or love, and twenty percent of a fun, the 80 20 rule.

Add Something Organic

Plants, flowers, and even balls such as willow balls can bring life to a room. Cheeses, centerpieces, or a bowl of fruit are the few ways to naturally decorate a room. Great options are bouquets, a great plant, or a bowl of fruit balls. Be sure to furnish every area of your home with a little something! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • moss balls.
  • easy to care for plants.
  • a bowl or dish of smooth rocks.
  • fruit.
  • plants.
  • flowers.
  • driftwood.
  • coral.
  • grapevine balls.
  • a bowl of seashells or starfish.
  • big green leaves in large bottles.

Follow these tips, and your home will look much more nice! Start with as you go along and begin the process gradually. It's hard to not see the difference when you use this advice.